MATLAB-based tool for digitizing hand-drawn images
BioRec User Guide
These instructions are yet subjects to change.
From the welcome screen, click "Launch Positioner"
Type the file name in the address bar (relative to the program directory)
Click "Load Image"
press "autodetect slant"
press "fix slant". (fixes the rotation of the image)
press "input bbox" and click on four corners of the significant image area
Click Guess DPI. On the label nearby, it should print something like 300. If not, report.
click "remove background"
Put "new letter" and "new digit" on digits and letters. The more - the better, but 2 of each should be enough.
(Note:position the markers as precise as possible according the non-important dimension. On the important dimension - position marker on the line. On the screenshot, it is done INCORRECTLY)
Recognize these letters and digits in place of "#".
Press "Generate PME".
Done. It should give you two files in the directory "PMOSELEM\%image_name%"\:
First one: the rectified image is the original image with fixed rotation and cut borders.
Second one: the markup, should look like this:
The important lines are "Lefttop_X" and "Lefttop_Y". The tell us, in meters, where is the upper left corner of the rectified image. Double check this value.
(Currently it is relative to point A1, but it might be reasonable but that is subject to change.)
Press "Launch Tracer" on the welcome screen.
You should receive the following picture.
Enter in the address bar, the path to the rectified image from the previous instruction
Press "Load Image"
Complicated step.
The dropdown menu "default" contains 4 lines.
"Default" means "do nothing"
"Observations" mean "capturing new observations on the image". Press your mouse on the observations' points. If "new bird" button is pressed, the program puts a different observation on each click. Otherwise, it draws traces. Parameters are taken from the upper group of controls: date, sex, specie. Ring number is entered manually in the table.
"Edges" draws two types of connections between observations. "edge" means "two different males", "pair" means "a potential breed pair". Some of the parameters are entered manually.
"Nests" adds nests to the list.
After you are done, press "same Markup"
You will receive three ".csv" files in the same directory. Their contents should be easy. If not, contact the author.
Assembling only works partially now. Try launching the tool and clicking the buttons. It should generate some images in the directory "C:\BioRec\img\OUTPUTS".